Spring Training 2025 has concluded but you can purchase the complete event recording!
More info about Spring Training 2025, in partnership with COMET/MetEd and sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and RadarScope
Spring Training offers foundational, operational and accessible information and training material for storm chasers at all levels - from those who want to begin their chase education or brush up on the basics, to more advanced chasers wanting to learn more in-depth about specialized topics. Just like in baseball, we gather every spring to shake off the rust, refresh our skills, and get ready to hit a home run.
Spring Training speakers are experts within their fields, and the training is an opportunity to learn from them in-depth, in addition to offering interactive opportunities to ask questions and chat with chasing veterans.
This event will always be held virtually and remain affordable; Girls Who Chase is a global community and we believe strongly in making science and learning accessible to everyone without the constraints of travel or financial hardship.
We incorporate three different session types into our Spring Training event:
Presentations: You'll gain knowledge on a variety of topics relevant to developing skills in storm chasing and forecasting.
Interactive panels: You'll have the chance to connect with chasing and meteorology experts in a facilitated Q&A session.
NEW IN 2025 - Networking rooms: Connect with other chasers and weather enthusiasts in your region in a lightly facilitated conversation over lunch.
Detailed schedule (all times in CT):
Most sessions have 10-minute breaks in between, with a (NEW!) optional networking session over lunch
10:00am Event kickoff
10:15 Skip Talbot: Strategies For Safe & Successful Storm Chasing (entry-level)
11:55 ROOM 1 Lee-ann Simpson: Nowcasting Using Satellite Data (entry-level)
11:55 ROOM 2 Robin Tanamachi: Radar Interpretation For Storm Chasing (intermediate/advanced level)
1:20pm Lunch OR Networking room
2:15 John Sirlin: Take It To The Field: How to Prepare to Storm Chase (entry-level)
3:25 Raychel Sanner: Pulling It All Together With a Chase Case Study (entry/intermediate-level)
4:50 PANEL 1: Careers in Weather/Meteorology (Kathryn Prociv, Chelsea Burnett, Emily Sutton, Mayra Oyola-Merced)
5:55 PANEL 2: Field Research & Extreme Weather Chasing (Karen Kosiba, Robin Tanamachi, Melanie Metz, Brandy Carlos)
6:55 Event close/evaluations
*Please note all times/topics/speakers are subject to change
While the live event took place on March 1, all presentations and panels were recorded and the recordings can now be purchased!
To access the recordings package, head on over to Vimeo or click "purchase," below.
*To read the full bio, click on a speaker's image
Check out prior Spring Training events and
add to your education library!
Spring Training is designed to become a library of complementary resources. Each year, experts present on topics relevant to storm chasing for chasers at any level. The topics and speakers change as we piece together the puzzle of forecasting, technical resources such as radar and satellite, chase strategy and positioning, and more from a variety of angles and technical specificity. You can attend Spring Training annually and keep learning!
Spring Training 2024: Storm Structure & Chasing Basics; How to Read Radar; Safely Responding to a Natural Disaster; Positioning for Safe & Successful Chasing; Chase Case Study; Soundings & Hodographs; Lightning Photography
Spring Training 2023: Forecasting 101; Intro to Radar & Satellite; Chasing Safety; Video Brokering; Intro to the SPC/NWS; Intro to the Monsoon
Feedback from past participants